

About Metrocazar
Metrocazar is a free online navigation service for subway networks across the globe. At this moment our service includes the networks of metropoles such as: Paris, London, Madrid, HongKong, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Los Angeles, BuenosAires and many more...
We will continuously extend our services and we invite everyone to try navigating with Metrocazar.


Privacy policy
All data collected by Metrocazar is exclusively used for functional bahaviour. No user data will be stored nor will user data be exported to any 3rd party.

Location data
Metrocazar uses location information (e.g. GPS) to determine the best possible route based on your current location.

Metrocazar uses the data network to calculate the best route on our servers.

Metrocazar doesn't store any user related data on its servers or on the users personal device (except the preferred language).


Metrocazar offers a free navigating service for subway networks. Metrocazar does not guarantee that the calculated route will be the fastest, the shortest or the cheapest. Usage of Metrocazar is at own risk; Metrocazar does not guarantee any safety related to any of the included subway networks; this includes the stations (and their surroundings) and trains on the calculated route. Using Metrocazar automatically means accepting the terms and conditions as stated in this disclaimer.


The selected departure and arrival stations are the same. Please select 2 different stations for route calculation.

Networks Lines